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A member registered Jul 17, 2017

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Thanks :)

I think it’s only possible within 0.3sec after the initial sound to trigger the double jump. Sou you have to do be really fast. We should change it to 0.5 at least I guess 

thanks for trying it

great to hear, thanks! :)

(1 edit)

thx for your detailed feedback ProdigalSon!
we had some technical issues syncing audio to hitzones during the GJ, now that our programmers sorted them out we can proceed to implement new features and songs to the gameplay. stay tuned :)

thanks for playing. we have like 6 songs for this game, so we'll try to add new levels as soon as possible.

@SplitHare - Just checked out your game from the last gamejam, nice work :) I'd say free stock music isn't the way to go, we could work on a original soundtrack together. Sound FX creation should't be a problem.  

Hey everyone! 
We are a team of sound designers and composers looking for projects to contribute to. contact me or just reply here if you need audio work done.
Looking forward to work on some new stuff :)